Movie Review: Tremors (2019)

Juan Pablo Olyslager and Mauricio Armas Zebadua in Tremors (Temblores)

Jump to the good stuff: The Story | Some Thoughts | The Final Verdict

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

The Story:

Tremors (2019) is a heartbreaking drama about Pablo, a closeted gay man from a devoutly religious family living in Guatemala.

Pablo (Juan Pablo Olyslager) is separated from his wife and children because he’s having an affair with Francisco (Mauricio Armas Zebadua). Since Pablo and his wife, Isa (Diane Bathen), are deeply religious, this has a negative impact on Pablo’s life.

Isa turns to the church and her family for support and guidance. And when Pablo leaves to live with Francisco, she takes legal actions against him.

Since Guatemala doesn’t have legal protections for LGBT people, Pablo’s world is torn apart; he loses his job and can no longer see his children. The only work he can find is with the church, which also runs a conversion therapy center.

The film follows Pablo, who must choose between the man he loves and the life he once had as tremors rock the city where he lives.

Some Thoughts:

Although Tremors is well made, it’s not a happy movie. If you live in a country that has legal protections for LGBT people, this film shows how important those protections are. And because of that, Tremors has purpose.

The acting, directing, and visuals are perfect. As Pablo, Olyslager shines. His anguish is understandable, as is the ultimate sacrifice he makes to be with his children. The film also takes in the full scope of the cruelty bestowed upon Pablo. It shows how religion can brainwash society into demonizing an entire group of people.

Tremors is also filled with people who are lost and confused. Isa is told that she’s to blame for Pablo being gay. Pablo’s mother believes that her son is psychologically sick and must be fixed. And Pablo is told by the people destroying his life that he is making them do it to save him.

There’s a reality to the film that enhances the cruelty of the plot. It’s full of sweat and tears. And as the story progresses, it becomes obvious that nothing good can come of it. This is a tragedy in every sense.

The Final Verdict:

Tremors is a solidly crafted piece of cinema that will tear at your heart. And because of that, it’s not easy to recommend.