Movie Review: Do It Like an Hombre

Mauricio Ochmann, Alfonso Dosal, and Humberto Busto in Do It Like an Hombre (Hazlo Como Hombre)

Jump to the good stuff: The Story | Some Thoughts | The Final Verdict

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

The Story:

Do It Like an Hombre (Hazlo Como Hombre) is a gay comedy about three guys who have been friends since childhood. When one of them comes out as gay, it effects all of their lives in different ways.

Raúl (Mauricio Ochmann), Eduardo (Humberto Busto), and Santiago (Alfonso Dosal) are close friends who do everything together. They play soccer, violent video games, and hang out. Santiago, who is engaged to Raúl’s sister, Nati (Aislinn Derbez), has recently come to terms with his sexuality and must call off the wedding. Although he knows he must come out as gay to Nati, he’s nervous about it.

One day, while Santiago, Raúl, and Eduardo are showering at the gym, Santiago gets the courage to come out to them. Eduardo is immediately supportive, while Raúl has difficulties coming to grips with the news. Santiago asks them to keep it to themselves because he hasn’t told Nati yet. And when he tries to come out to Nati, she jumps the gun on the break-up and throws him out before he can tell her that he’s gay.

Now Santiago needs to find a way to come out to Nati while putting his life back together, and Raúl must come to terms with his best friend being gay and his own homophobia.

Some Thoughts:

Do It Like an Hombre is basically a buddy movie about three different types of men: a hipster, a gay guy, and a homophobe. The film focuses on Raúl, the homophobe, and shows how self-destructive such hateful actions can be. There is humor in it–especially the scenes with Raúl and his analyst–but some people may be turned off my Raúl’s homophobia.

The acting overall works, but Derbez stands out as the spurned fiancé. Her facial expressions and comic timing are spot on. The scene where Santiago tries to break up with her is outrageous fun.

Since most of the film revolves around Raúl, we don’t really get to know much about Santiago other than his love for video games and that he plays soccer. Because of this, when Santiago starts dating Julián (Ariel Levy), who is a celebrity chef, they seem to have nothing in common.

Of the three men, Eduardo, the hipster, is the most put together. He’s secure with himself and his sexuality. Because of that, Raúl is confused by him. Busto plays Eduardo with ease and makes him enjoyable to watch.

Do It Like an Hombre is basically the movie that 4th Man Out wanted to be. Both movies have an atypical gay character who comes out to his friends to mixed consequences. Also, each film focuses more on the straight friend dealing with the news than the gay man coming out.

The Final Verdict:

Do It Like an Hombre is a fun comedic romp. Keep in mind that this is a film about homophobia, which may not sit well with some people.

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