Movie Review: Adonis

Adonis He Fei in Adonis

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Rating: 3 out of 5.

The Review:

Adonis (a.k.a. Thirty Years of Adonis) is a fantastical drama about fate, reincarnation, and karma.

After the opera company Yang Ke works for closes, he turns to a life of prostitution. Most people would find other employment, but Yang Ke sees it as his fate and wanders through the film taking whatever terrible situations come his way.

Although that sounds like a clear storyline, the film is more concerned with delivering a message than plot, so the story often gets lost in imagery and philosophy. Because of this, you need to give in to it and hope it makes sense by the end. You can’t try to piece it together or figure it out, it has to wash over you. If you can do that, then Adonis will work.

There are moments where the film shows Yang Ke’s past, then shifts back to his present life. These scenes give Adonis a sense of story while showing that he’s a victim of fate. And while these scenes may give a glimmer of hope that there could be a plot, it quickly gets pushed to the side.

There’s also a good amount of sex, some of which is graphic. Because the story is about a male prostitute, and the imagery is well done, the sex never feels gratuitous.

Adonis was written and directed by Scud, whose vision and philosophy takes precedence over plot. What he lacks in story, he makes up for in imagery and expression. His message isn’t always pleasant, and there are some disturbing scenes.

The Final Verdict:

Adonis is an art house film that cares more about its message than telling a story. Because of this, it’s hard to recommend to a general audience.

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