Movie Review: God’s Own Country

Josh O'Connor and Alec Secăreanu in God's Own Country

Jump to the good stuff: The Story | Some Thoughts | The Final Verdict

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The Story:

God’s Own Country is a gay romantic drama about a troubled farmer who turns his life around when his father hires a Romanian migrant worker.

Johnny (Josh O’Connor) is a closeted gay man who lives with his father, Martin (Ian Hart), and grandmother, Deirdre (Gemma Jones), on the family farm. Since his father had a stroke and uses crutches to get around, Johnny must tend to the farm.

Unhappy with his life, Johnny spends his off hours getting drunk and having sex with strangers. But these activities cause friction at home and have a negative effect on his performance on the farm. When Martin hires Gheorghe (Alec Secăreanu) to help during the lambing season, Johnny instinctively shows animosity towards him. It isn’t until they have to camp on the outskirts of the property to repair a boundary wall and keep an eye on the sheep that his feelings for Gheorghe change.

Some Thoughts:

God’s Own Country is a realistic look at life on a farm. The scenery and cinematography are beautiful despite the harsh realities of raising sheep and cattle. Because of this, the film never feels sentimental or trite.

Johnny is quickly defined as a man who’s drinking negatively effects his relationship with his father and grandmother. It also shows Johnny’s unhappiness with his life, and his sense of feeling stuck. And by the time Gheorghe comes into the story, Johnny’s reaction to having an outsider come into his life is understandable.

The family dynamic is also set up early. Between the scenes where Martin and Deidre are annoyed by Johnny’s carelessness and binge drinking, there are some tender moments. It’s also obvious that under their harsh treatment, they still love Johnny and wish he would put himself together.

The acting is fantastic and truly sells the story. The growing sexual tension between Johnny and Gheorghe feels raw and honest, as does the budding romance that is born from it. And because of this, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the movie and feel the highs and lows.

The Final Verdict:

God’s Own Country is an incredibly well-crafted and engrossing film. It’s a romantic drama that should not be missed.

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